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Structural Adhesive
Typical Applications:
1. Bonding of golf head and club (carbon fiber golf club);
2. Front and rear fork bonding of bicycle frame, metal and carbon fiber bonding (carbon fiber frame);
3. New carbon fiber sled, metal frame and carbon fiber bonding;
4. The bonding of carbon fiber ice picks, metal picks, and carbon fiber handles used for climbing snow mountains;
5. The magnet and metal bonding of the smart lock for mountaineering sports.
Mixing ratio (volume) B: A: 1:1
Curing time: 1-2 hours Initial curing 24 hours Full curing
Approximate viscosity 75 ° F (24 ° C) (CPS): 45000
Approximate operating time at 75 ° F (24 ° C): 20 minutes
T-peel (PIW) at 75 ° F (24 ° C): 50
Overlapping Shear Strength (PSI):
2.75°F (24°C):4100
Usage Method
Storage Packaging